Christmas Cocktail Recipe

Home / The Sunday Papers / Issue One: December / Christmas Cocktail Recipe

Our master mixologist at Town+House pub; Cosmo, created this decadent dessert-inspired cocktail to be enjoyed on Christmas eve when the food shopping, cooking and gift wrapping is all done and it's finally time to treat yourself to a celebratory drink and a mince pie.

Want to see how it's done? Step into Town+House of an evening this winter and our talented bartenders can mix you up this delicious cocktail.

Tiramisu Cocktail




37.5ml Vodka

15ml Hazelnut Liqueur (We used Frangelico)

20ml White Chocolate Liqueur (We used Mozart White Chocolate Liqueur)

20ml Irish Cream Liqueur (We used Cotswolds Cream but Bailey's will work too)

20ml Fresh Espresso

10ml Vanilla Syrup

25ml Chai Syrup

3 Coffee Beans



1. Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice, making sure to add the chai syrup last to ensure the cocktail stays smooth.

2. Do your best barman shimmy and shake together until the outside of the cocktail shaker feels icy cold.

3. Double strain into a perfectly chilled martini-style glass and finish with a dusting of chocolate and three coffee beans placed gently on top.

4. Take a sip and swoon! Delicious right!?

Town+House at ChristmasChristmas Cocktail IdeasTown+House at Christmas


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