Sex on the Beach Cocktail Recipe by Town+House

Home / The Sunday Papers / Issue Eight: July / Sex on the Beach Cocktail Recipe by Town+House

Sex on the Beach Cocktail Recipe


Learn how to make a Sex on the Beach Cocktail with the team at Town+House pub by Always Sunday.

There's something about a Sex on the Beach Cocktail that makes us reminisce about boozy nights (ahem) dancing at bars on Caribbean islands - deliciously warm, a little bit sweaty and seriously sexy. But who says this juicy little number is only for tropical holidays? Pack up the ingredients and plenty of ice in a Fieldbar cool box and take it on the road, wherever you're heading.


50ml vodka

25ml peach snapps

50ml cranberry juice

100ml OJ

Beach Cocktail Recipe


Shake it up all together in your cocktail shaker (or if you don’t have a shaker, just put it all in a glass and stir) and pour over lots of ice. Garnish with orange slices, cherries and a sexy drizzle of sweet cherry syrup if you like. 

Looking for Sober Sex? Try a non-alcoholic version..

50ml Soda/ sparkling water or 0% alcohol

25ml fresh peach puree

50ml cranberry juice

100ml OJ


Want to try the original? Book yourself a table below or give us a call 01225 428096 and have yourself a cocktail tasting session at Town+House.

Town+House by Always Sunday
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